Lets build green
Time to start acting fast. India is has the most polluted air in the entire world now. Is there anything architects and good buildings do? Yes. We can build green. It will mean while construction is going on we will ensure that there is very less dust pollution. How? We would ensure that all sides of the site are covered with barricades which stop dust going out. We will ensure that water is sprinkled every now on then on sand. For vehicles moving in and out, we will have tracks laid with grit or paver blocks. For large construction sites we will also try to provide wheel washing. Construction material carrying trucks moving out of muddy sites often bring mud on tar roads of cities. Many accidents happen due to that. Also the life of the tar roads gets drastically reduced. These things are not impossible. They just want us to be more organized and more concerned.
Providing composters for garden waste on site can go a long way. As most of our cities's street waste; which consists of dry leaves from trees get burnt by the municipal sweeper. No matter how hard we try, they just do it. City authorities may or may not provide composters but if individual building owners start keeping composters, air of our cities is bound to be less polluted. Can there be more things we architects and construction managers do? Do suggest. Its our job to make a change happen. Lets start building green.